Tuesday, August 29, 2006


My cough is getting worse, need to have an hourly supply of "Fisherman's Friend". Haiz. But I still wanna lust after my favourite chocolates and food. As by nature, I'm a foodie. But I mustn't be tempted by the sight of food. Sian.

Last Sat was my most active day to date. Swimming in the morning, soccer in the noon, wanting to go chiong MoS at the middle of the night, then got recalled by camp to perform water point duties till 11am, Sunday morning. Shagged but the end of the day. And you know what? of all times, my shoes had to give way, both soles in my shoes literally fell out while I was in Orchard in the evening. So embarassing. I had to abandon the pair of shoes and get another pair. Which was a rather good pair of trekking shoes.

Oh yes, I have found a job btw, but though just for a few days, 4 to be exact. I'm selling notebooks for HP. Any interested people, do feel free to approach me for buying ur biz laptops. Cheerios!

Friday, August 25, 2006

Throat's cracking up.

My sore throat is getting worse, think i can get a excuse for it to dun go for AHM, but then I was thinking after AHM can go walk walk, then go church later. Gotta make a decision soon.

By the way, I just thought i would put up my aikido class pic here, just for the fun of it, since I have nothing much to blog about except the sad sale of my former costing notebook of $3k, now reduced to a measly trade-in balue of 50 bucks. What is the world coming to?

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Excercising blues.

I don't know whats wrong with exercising at 12 midnight in my roon with only a dim light. My dad's complaining that I'm getting fat and i should take better care of my health. So thats why I'm exercising. But then my mom comes along and complain that I'm disturbing them with the light and noise. I swear that there's no noise coming from me. except my dad, cuz his snoring is rather louder than my breathing. I have to trim my tummy thats more important. it really sticks out and I have a hard time sucking it in. Guys with a gut should catch what I mean.

I was thinking if I should put a before and after pic here, but guess not. Oh yes, I went for extra aikido training today at kembangan CC, at a class under the tutlage of Instructor James. He's a nice guy, though he looks rather sleepy. Gee. Well, I was rather surprised to see only lesser than 10 adult trainees there, so I thought it was a special class for people going for grading in Sept. So i asked this cute girl leader there, whether is this the adult class. Don't know why, she thought I wanted to join the class. Haha!

Seriously this wasn't the 1st time people made a mistake.
(do I really look so defenceless?? Do i have the look of a white belt really?)

Then so i told her I was an aikidoka. She seems surprised. Then I changed into my gi and belt. The kids thought i was a new instructor as I was the only black belt in the whole class! The leader looked kinda surprised too. Gee. Guess she thought I was just a trainee. She was a brown belt yeah.

Sunday, August 20, 2006


I remember the time when my face used to be covered with acne during my secondary school days.. now its much better. my skin is much smoother and cleaner...all thanks to the facial wash and scrub I used from mandom corp. , the Gatsby brand. Oh yeah, the Clean & Clear scrub and blackheads remover helped alot. I don't know why, I have observed alot of my friends but they don't have this blackhead problems like I do. Wonder why?

I have been thinking about this term: Metrosexual..what does it mean?

Think it means a guy who is more consicious of his atttire or looks. Gotta go find out more.

Thursday, August 17, 2006

Thank you guys...

Just went to celebrate my 22nd birthday yesterday, and its also the 1st day of my clearing leave. Was occasionally disturbed by the people from camp and some matters here and there. I try to solve it, but I can't always let them depend on me. The guys got for me a set of clothes, but then I couldn't wear the beach shorts...hope I can get it returned and changed for a suitable pair. Lindsay got a box of cookies for me..yum, it was delicious, shared it with my sis. Jori got me a bottle of perfume which i had, but in a sense it was thoughtful of her. I saw Millie yesterday too, she seems to have become thinner, hope she's taking care of herself. Maybe I will try to ask her out someday.

Just a note though: Gifts
1. Something to eat and get it over with.
2. Something to use and when it becomes empty, i'll throw it away.
3. Cards and suchs, I love them, cuz' it seems you are giving me a part of you, a memory.
4. Something that belongs to you personally, so that I will feel that I'm important in ur world.
5. Something you made for me, regardless its food or something ornamental, I will treasure it cuz you put the effort for my sake.

So far, only some people have made the grade.
1. Guojiu, though U are out to suan me, you always give me cards and clothes that I can keep. Thank you very much.

2. Cindy, for the 1st card you gave me, it showed to me ur sweetness I shall never forget.
3. Jia Xin, for the noisy card you gave me that still make that ring in my ears, thanks!
4. Kai Li, though we have lost contact, but i will always treasure the pen u gave me and the card u made. Lotsa love.

Thanks to the others who have not made the grade, jia you.

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

1st day of clearing leave...

Yes! I've finally started clearing my leave. Time to carry on with life without the green uniform, that much awaited day has finally arrived after 2 long years. What should I start doing?

1. Complete my application for studying overseas.
2. Make the necessary arrangements for handing over.
3. And start my physical training.
4. Carry on with life.

Sunday, August 13, 2006

Thinking back about my 2 years plus inthe unit

Time passes by so fast. Its been 2 years since I was enlisted into the army on the 20th August 2004. The times were hard as a chao recruit. You were the smallest dude in the entire company, and yet, we were still so happy. I started my days as Recruit Tan under Whiskey Company, sang a whole lot of crappy songs, basic military training, instill discipline in us. Went to field camp as a group, then got posted to my unit, spent the rest of my life there, donning the CD Fam suit, hot as hell, breathing functions were worse...knowing the Hokkien pengs and Angmoh pengs, letting their presence be felt in my life. The emerging of my understudy and and our lovable "kaya" SGT were the most memorable jokes in this time.

I'm in the Gas Mask. My friend in the suit.

Saturday, August 12, 2006

Few more days to clearing leave.

Times passes real fast, in a few months, I'll be collecting my pink IC from the Singapore Armed Forces, and off I go, starting a new life by myself. Where will I be going from here? I've got my plan all set and ready. High chance I'll be proceeding on to Melbourne, Australia to further my studies for a higher education in RMIT University, maybe followed by a honours after the final year. Then, I'll try to find a job there and see if I can get PR status there, letting my parents enjoy the pension they give to their citizens, or, thats what I heard from my friend. No matter what, it doesn't hurt to have some xtra cash in your pockets right? (Mine's burning bit by bit here.) Might just find someone special there, but who knows? The Lord controls my fate.

But all thats still far in time, gotta take one step at a time now. Talking about steps, I heard of this story where this dude was taking a stroll on the beach with God, he looked back on his life and saw that at the time where his life was horrid, there was only a set of footprints there, while during happy times in his life, there were two sets in the sand. Dude complains to the Lord about this, and the Lord tells him, in the bad times, I was there for you, carrying you in my arms when you were too down and out to carry on. And in the good times, you had the strength to carry on, so I put you down to walk the path together with you.

Cup of Life : My friends, God is around you, but its just matters in the way you see him with you.