Monday, March 10, 2008

Hullo Singapore, Miss Melbourne

Well, I just touched down around close to 3 days already.

I felt so awkward when I reached the airport, the feeling was like I was going to another foreign country. And not to the one that I grew up in. I saw my parents for the 1st time in one year, but yet I felt so empty. The feeling of emptiness was brought back together with the luggage.

I gave my parents a hug. Hoping that when I reached home, things would not change with time as it was often said. Not long after I reached my bed, my mom came in and started nagging at every thing she saw. Congratulations mom, you always win the record in spoiling my mood whenever I see you again. And what would be your next combo? It would be to nag more n more n more n more n more.

Damn, I really felt like going back Melbourne after the first night. I'm close to going nuts. I saw my new place, and realize that my room looks like a pet shop window. I better get some curtains or something like that. I would just be inviting stupid comments from stupid aunts trying to be funny and start acting like the fucking idiots they are. Really curtains are a necessity in the stupid design. I really feel like boarding up the stupid window.

Anyway. Here's the photos I took during the 20th Anniversary.

Melbourne's gonna be missed.

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