Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Fate is like hanging on a thin thread.

I feel so disappointed with myself.

When I don't understand the subject, i got 25%. When I understand I got 30%. What bugs me is what have I done wrongly..failure for me when I know its a failure is understandable...but failure is not an option when I know my mistakes.

SO, WTF happened? Guess I'll only know tomorrow.

I called my dad just now, even more disappointed with myself when my dad showed concern. I expected that he would grumble and scold me, I tried hard, studied and this is the result. Is it true if you aren't set for the subject, no matter how you try, nothing nice is going to come out of it? Why can't I get this?

Life feels so dull suddenly,
At the click of a mailbox,
My world grows dark and cold.

Lost is my golden key,
Gone is my hope for honours,
Demise of my masters' Dream.

Burden by disappointment,
Heavy my shoulders feel,
Weakening of my legs.

Can I still stand?
I need some time off.

I need some encouragement.
Dennis better dun piss me off on the trip.

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