Monday, July 16, 2007


Went down to the DFO at Essendon yesterday with the 3Ds, Danielle's friend and roommate and Jason, can't spell their name.

Bought a single T-shirt from Esprit at 15 dollars.

After that Possum hunting marked the end of a remarkably long but seemingly short holiday.
(For those who don't know what the hell is a possum, don't worry, I managed to take pictures of it. Something like a giant squirrel, I would say.)

Oh well, school starts today. Will be going down to help man the RMIT aikido booth today. Wonder who will be there to do the setting up. I heard Lock will be going down. I wonder will that be an attraction too?

Anyway, I might be going down early, just to take a look around and recce a bit here and there for awhile. I'll help Lock for the moment, probably until around 2pm I guess. I'm thinking of meeting up with Kirby since he's here with his girlfriend. He seems to have mellowed down a bit. Haha. Took a look at my course guide this morning, seems I'm gonna have a headache this sem for Programming 3. One look and I think,"OMG. I don't even remember anything of this shit."

But then, must keep a positive thinking, and slog on. Now I'm thinking, should I go purchase the lecture notes today?

Thinking about the SSA job starts to give me a headache. Feel so lost.

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