Monday, May 05, 2008

How to motivate myself further...

The drag from the job hunt is catching up on me.

I don't know. Should I go try out the agencies? I wouldn't want to go to Recruit Express.

I feel so unmotivated damn it. But I gotta buck up. Its only a small setback. Instead of moaning over my current worry, which is particularly unproductive, I should take a leaf from Jake and do other better things to motivate the confidence in myself.

For example, what should I work on?

1. Decreasing my ever expanding waist-line.
Considering that I have a free 2 week gym arrangement with EnergyOne, I should just make a trip down SAFRA Tampines tomorrow. I realized last week while I was trying to catch the bus home at Bedok, though I failed to catch the bus, I really enjoyed the brief sprint towards the bus stop. Since Bingyu is also currently interested in going exercising, that means i will have another exercise kaki, besides Mr Wang and Xian. Alright! I'll hop down to the Gym tomorrow for a workout then! Then go for some archery shooting to train my forearms followed by aikido practice in the evening! Then after the trial period is over, Bedok gym here i come!!!

2. Increasing my chances of a reply in a company.
If there is a decrease in my waistline, there should also be a increase in the frequencies of people calling me up for interviews. So what should I do? Should I go approach friends who are currently in the recruitment consultancy company? Kelly Services, Adecco? I would have to up the ante on the frequencies of the search for jobs using the search engines in the various job portal accounts that I have. Also, go try out the various companies that relatives of friends have recommended that I try for such as Accenture, as recommended by Ivan. And maybe, on a lighter note, as said by my dad, apply anything that comes your way, even if it has no relevance to your degree. Well, its just your first job anyway.

3. Training up my level.
Now here's the Yi-sha! of the next phrase. What's the next phrase? Its just my as slow as ever path to the acquiring of my driving licence and my first degree black belt in Aikido, after that I will have two degrees,(pun intended.) So what do I have to work on? my movement, physical and mental fitness in all timings of the training. Showing face more often, raising the needed amount for driving practice, getting a PDL again. Learning the correct patterns of performing the 31 Kata and the 7 Ken Shiburi. And learning 24 Kata as well is a plus.

4. Getting the ante up for my skills.
Not just physical skills, but also work skills. I plan to improve on my knowledge of security systems by studying the CEH course program, and taking the certification later once I am confident of my level. I may suck in Java programming, but I can't let this simple round of failure get to me. Maybe I'm no good in Java, but hey, there's still C++ and SAP down the road, So I wouldn't know until I have tried them all. I got a morale boost today on this aspect, after helping liang qi speed up his computer.


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