Friday, May 09, 2008

Jobs....Career...Where can I find you?

Aaah. Where can I find you? Time passes by fast, even while you are languishing at pace you do not want. Work work....the lines a orc would say in Warcraft 3.

Where's work? I ask Mr Orc.

James smsed me today to inform me that he has found a temp job. As a factory packer in Tampines Industrial Park. 9am-6pm. Timing's rather ok with the 6 day week range. But seriously, what is a ITE graduate doing a primary 6 qualification job? And yeah, the Casanova haolian asked me to convert my single-hood status to attached like him.

So I asked him back. Wow, you work so long, later girlfriend can go relax one corner in school n make better choices. ;P

But I don't think I'm gonna consider dating till I get a decent job, and considering now with the lack of it, it shouldn't be anytime soon..which girl would go for a guy who has neither a wallet with substance, nor a richness in future? I think not many right? Maybe except those who think LOVE can sustain everything.

I don't condemn such people though, I used to think the same way, and in a certain way, I still do. Love can't make food, but it can keep a couple strong throughout times of despair and toughness.

Better go sleep. Tomorrow going gym with Mr Wang.

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