Monday, May 14, 2007

So many chocolates. Lonely me.

Been looking at my box of chocolates today. Something hit me while looking. Why I bought so much? Normally people buy so much so that can share a romantic treat with their other half. But then lonely me got no other half or people to share with.

Well, though I gave some to people who appreciated it, Eg: Michelle, Janice and Daniel. Yaozong just chomped it and say he tired. My poor chocolate. Sacrificed without a thought. And he took the one I liked. Sobz.

Today's 2 lectures were really short. Dale had a headache, so MIA. I realized I can only do my Web3d attentively while in school. Aiya. Another source of headache. Fabio's lecture was damn short and more or less concluded with a project extension date of 5.5 days. Woohoo. able to concentrate on my SEF project.

Towards High Distinction if possible, Else Distinction!
(okok. Except PPIS.)

Some of the peeps in SSA really trying to be funny. I'm not interested in anyone inside the club. I'm interested in my studies (hah, yah right, studies my foot.) or rather, there's no one of particular interest to me. (fancy a bit is got lah, but then you guys won't be able to guess who. Happy guessing.)

Suddenly got so much tasks to do in the sudden reshuffling. But schoolwork comes 1st. Media and Development 2nd, Aikido and such 3rd.(Duh. Of course, if got girlfriend then something else right..?)

I found this stupid melbourne uni brochure for voluntary services in the mailbox. For community work in Melbourne. Maybe can go check it out.

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