Well, here's some well wishes. But crap, my internet cable malfunctioned early this morning. Luckily, Wesley was able to loan me his extra cable and yes, it worked just fine. And now, I'm going to test to see whether my stupid excuse of a photo upload does work at all. Its really fustrating, regarding SHA's limit on bandwidth transfer of 10GB per month, and you know what? It includes the upload and download. Sheesh.

And this is RMIT University.

And This is the really cool sunset by Yarra River.
(Notice the shape of the sun..)
My poor ang baos. Lost in Singapore while I'm here. I'll have to watch my budget here. Anyway, I've learned to cook some great stuff, will be posting pics of them soon, provided they can be uploaded. I'm going to call the ISP tomorrow to check regarding the restrictions. :P
1. Pasta with Tomato Puree and Red Wine Sauce
2. Bacon
3. Beef Stew
4. Sambal Mushroom
5. Bacon 'N' Mushroom
6. Stir-Fry Beef
7 Stir-Fry Kangaroo Meat.
(It was a new dish though, felt it tasted something like liver.)
Made a bunch of new friends.
1. Anson
2. Daniel
3. Blake
4. Paco
5. Aloysius
6. Wesley
7. Raymond
8. Victor
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